Thoughts and encouragement from one girl to another

Thoughts and encouragement from one girl to another

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Turkey for one, please!

As Thanksgiving approaches, it's the natural thing to do for us to start to think about what we all are blessed with. We are thankful for our family, friends, our country, our jobs, our education, the food we are able to eat, the opportunities we have, etc. But do you ever stop and think of what you are thankful for in yourself? What have you done that was great this year? Don't get me wrong, we should all be thankful for what we have been given, for the people who love us, and the amazing country we get to call home- but I feel like Thanksgiving is a just as good of a time to give yourself a pat on the back as well.  Maybe there are things that 10 years ago you could have never dreamt of doing, or the person that you have become that you are extremely proud of. Whether it's working hard at your job, being a good family member or friend, exercising more, eating healthier, saving money, taking a chance on a new relationship, ending a bad one..  I bet if you really think about it, write it down, you have done so much more than you give yourself credit for.
I, personally, am thankful for a lot of things I have accomplished in 2013. I founded a professional group for young women in Austin, Austin's Young Ladies, I have become more focused on my work, I have a global network of blog followers, I am exercising regularly and getting into better shape, starting to cook a bit more, being better with my money (kind of)...but the best thing I did in 2013 was the choice to be alone. I am so thankful that I forced myself to do that. I have learned so much about life and about being independent, working hard, and just being happy on my own. It is something that nothing or no one could ever have given to me but myself. It is also something that has forever changed me and I am so glad I did it.
Sometimes, we do not give ourselves enough credit for the things that we accomplish. A lot of the time, we are not given the praise deserved for hard work, being a good friend, a good girlfriend, wife, mother, coworker, etc. So, I challenge you to just give praise to yourself. You deserve to feel appreciated in every way, and the best way to feel appreciated is to know that what you have done and who you have become is great, and you don't need anyone to validate that for you besides yourself. This year, as we celebrate Thanksgiving and being with our loved ones, remember to celebrate yourself. Get an extra slice of pecan pie or 7 extra dinner rolls, (wait what?) and enjoy this week and all that you are. This is your life- it's just as important to be thankful for you as anything else. 

Love yourself first & everything else falls into place. 
Life is short. Break rules, forgive quickly, kiss slowly, truly love, laugh uncontrollably, and do not regret anything. 
"Find somebody who appreciates your weirdness." -Lady Gaga

If you want to give  light to others, you have to glow yourself.


The good life begins when you stop wanting a better one.

Don't be scared to walk alone, you might be surprised how much you like it.

Happy Thanksgiving y'all!