Thoughts and encouragement from one girl to another

Thoughts and encouragement from one girl to another

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Perfectly happy with being imperfect.

"I am interested in imperfections, quirkiness, insanity, unpredictability. That's what we really pay attention to anyway. We don't talk about planes flying; we talk about them crashing"

I am an incredibly flawed, very weird human being. I laugh at boobie and fart jokes and I get an odd pleasure out of seeing people trip, especially if they're on some contraption with wheels. I cannot pronounce the words, "napkin" or "massage" correctly, and I have tons of great ideas that never actually turn into anything. I have a birth mark on my shoulder that looks like an intense rug burn, and I have probably never ever worn matching socks because I always seem to lose one. Every Christmas I get into trouble with my dad for making inappropriate sugar cookies, but I risk the consequence every year because I know it makes my mom and sister laugh. Speaking of the holidays and gift giving, if I actually get you one, I procrastinate to the very last minute to do so and run around like a mad woman stressing myself out to find you the perfect gift, but I never do it differently. Last year, I was kicked off my kickball team and asked to cheer on the sidelines because of my athleticism, or lack there of. I dance like a weirdo alone in my house as well as out on the town, and I fall flat on my face at least once a week, maybe that's why I get pleasure out of seeing people do the same. I say things like 'wiener' and 'butthole' regularly to make people giggle, and have a zero percent filter rate so i'll probably embarrass you at some point. I sleep horizontal on my mattress, will kick you during the night, and I can't fall asleep unless the TV is on because silence scares me at night. One of my default shows is Cops, and I have seen every episode of Friends at least four times. Often, it will take me 30 minutes to figure out what to order at a restaurant, and I may even change my mind after doing so. I have stained at least half of my wardrobe with food, and I will definitely be the one to knock a glass of red wine over onto your new rug, (that literally just happened). I should be in better shape, and was recently told that I needed to 'tighten up' to continue taking professional photos, but I have a sweet tooth that could actually murder the tooth fairy. I constantly try and remember to pray, and unfortunately only do about half of the time. I rarely find a book that interests me enough to finish, and small politics talk tends to bore me.  I forgive too easily, I get hurt often, and I build up walls so high that it will be difficult for someone to actually knock them down. I am not well spoken, I would not consider myself poised, I am far from perfect, I am flawed. 
I may not be elegant or perfectly articulate, and I may never be able to wear white without putting a new stain on it, but I am goofily odd, forgiving and loving, and confidant in who I am and who I am not. I am flawed, I am broken, and I am worthy of being who I am without regret. 

 Take your flaws and own them. Love your quirks and weird tendencies that you make you unique. What's fascinating about the world we live in is everyone is an individual. We all have things we excel at, and others that are foreign to us or maybe we aren't so good at. But, by accepting our imperfections, we should be able to do the same in others.
I hope you find that you are beautiful, you are worthy, and you are sure as hell good enough. And if you already know that, or when you do learn it,  my hope is that we will all help instill it into other women and each other as well. With that being said, I am not suggesting to be friends or commit to people that go against your non-negotiables or are unhealthy for your life, or that if there are behaviors or things that bother you about yourself, not to work on them- I am simply encouraging you to take a step back and give yourself, as well as others, a bit more grace. By doing that, I feel it will eventually lead to a deeper and more authentic understanding of absolute love.

“I don't know. Just because someone's pretty doesn't mean she's decent. Or vice versa. I'm not into appearances. I like flaws, I think they make things interesting.” -The Truth About Forever

There's no need to be perfect in inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfections. 

"... imperfection is beauty, madness is genius. And it is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. And when it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I am already better than them" -Marilyn Monroe

Kathryn Lane

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